Who are we ?
Bernard and Valérie
Bernard has always been passionate about houses and garden renovation. In Magny he’s been giving free way to his natural sense of beauty and harmony ever since 2005 when he took the place over from Valérie’s grand-parents. He thoroughly enjoys sharing its beauty to visitors. Sharing gives meaning to his work.
Valérie‘s eclectic tastes led her from English literature and lyrical singing to flower design and yoga. Mother of five children and a passionate teacher she has always enjoyed a house full and sharing her questions and discoveries with other life enthusiasts. She learnt and will keep learning Yoga and Yoga teaching from Patrick Tomatis, Laura Giovanella and Pascale Brun at l’Ecole Française de Yoga de Paris (Fédération Nationale des Enseignants de Yoga). She practises and teaches flower design according to several traditions.
For Bernard and Valérie Yoga, beauty and Art are ways to self accomplishment and to harmony with the outer world. They want to share and spread this philosophy through the retreats which take place in Magny.